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The CFC group started around 10 years ago in our Parish. Initially we were given talks on God’s love, Love your neighbour, the Holy Spirit, testimonies of our Seniors and so on. Ever since then we CFC members have been trying to live out all what was lovingly told to us. We have failed many times but we recall those uplifting talks and testimonies and start again!


Year after year every Friday we have been coming together to praise God for His creation and love, to thank Him for His blessings of the past week and to offer Him our petitions for ourselves, our children and our CFC brothers and sisters.


Earlier the groups of the 3 Parishes ie. Dabul, St, Theresa’s and Dolours would meet once a month for spiritual inputs by seniors or even Priests at times, followed by a fellowship and snacks.

Once a year was “Family Day” where the CFC Units all over Mumbai would meet as a large gathering. It was a whole day programme set apart for Mass, talks, fellowship, a meal and very enjoyable entertainment by different Parishes.


We have also had a couple of overnight picnics and a 3 day Retreat too. The Retreat was a Marriage Enrichment Programme which is embedded in our memory and which at times enlightens and lifts us up in a difficult family situation.


Back in our own little groups we have often had an “Agape” or shared dinner after Praise and Worship. Here we shared recipes and funny experiences. These were happy evenings indeed.


We have come a long way – having a strong bond among us present and Ex members. And as all good things come to an end so is it with our CFC. We are now left with just 5 members who are struggling to carry on the Association in our Parish. We hope to strive on until one day we see the dawn of a new awakening.

Dr. Cawasji Hormusji Street,

Marine Lines,

Mumbai 400 002


09:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Monday to Saturday

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