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In the light of the changes brought in by Vatican II, it seemed important and imperative to create a new Church, a new family and this is where the concept of the Small Christian Community emerged.


"One way of renewing parishes, especially urgent for parishes in large cities, might be to consider the parish as a community of communities and movements. It seems timely therefore to form ecclesial communities and groups of a size that allows for true human relationships. This will make it possible to live communion more intensely, ensuring that it is fostered not only ad intra, but also with the parish communities to which such groups belong and with the entire diocesan and universal church. In such a human context it will be easier to gather to hear the word of God, to reflect on the range of human problems in the light of this word and gradually to make responsible decisions inspired by the all-embracing love of Christ." - Pope John Paul II "The Church in America", January 22, 1999.


Small Christian Communities are essential for one’s growth in Christian life. These communities have brought about a sea change in attitude. Bibles are being dusted off and read. The greatest commandment of Jesus, “Love thy neighbour as thyself” is being followed in the truest sense.


Life in a small Christian community is simply ‘a drawing of people closer to one another’. One shares God's word, the Eucharist, prayer, one’s possessions, one’s gifts, time as well as meals.


As a community, the SCC aims at bringing together families, adults and young people, in an intimate, interpersonal relationship grounded in faith. It also aims at creating a community whose foundations are faith, hope and charity.

In the Parish

The Small Christian Communities in this parish are extremely active. The communities gather at the home of a member when this is feasible or in the Parish Office or in the Parish Hall. Members discuss their lives in the light of the gospel and share their Christian faith through prayer and conversation. Within such gatherings there naturally arises a connection of acceptance and support through which the members learn, in a personal manner, the meaning of being Church.


Being a member of the Small Christian Community provides a great opportunity to touch the lives of others, not only the Christian community but also the human community. By being part of each other’s lives and being there for each other they are setting a beautiful example of “true love”. Each community is represented at the Parish Council by an Animator who is elected for a set tenure. The community activities are coordinated by a Core Group.


Our Small Christian Communities set out to give mutual support by:


  • Sharing their sorrows and joys.

  • On-going learning and formation in faith.

  • Reflection on scripture and church teaching.

  • Participating in outreach programs and truly living the gospel.

  • Discussing sensitive issues and receiving prayerful support.

  • Fostering and supporting talent especially among the youth and children.

  • Contributing to the functioning of the Parish as a whole.


A sense of community and belonging allows us:


  • To become an extended family of brothers and sisters-in-Christ,

  • Obtain and offer prayer support for the family as part of the extended family

  • Interact in the Parish at both the micro and macro level.

  • To be torchbearers to others.

  • The SCC units contribute to the parish family by: - Connecting generations. - Serving as Christ's hands and feet in a hurting world.


(Sourced from - IMFE, Paper I by Margaret D’costa)


There are 7 communities in this Parish, they are:


  • Zone 1 :  St. Ignatius Gateway (C.H. Street, around the Church, M. Karve Road and Princess Street)

  • Zone 2 :  Holy Cross  (covers Dadi Santook Lane, Sorabji Santook Lane, Fish Market Lane)

  • Zone 3 :  St. Anne (Wellington Terraces)

  • Zone 4 :  St. Bakhita (3rd Marine Street, 4th Marine Street & Dhus Wadi)

  • Zone 5 :  St. Theresa (1st Marine Street, 4th Marine Street & around Panchratna Restaurant)

  • Zone 6 :  St. Jude (Trinity Street, Navjivan Wadi, 1st Dhobitalao Lane & 2nd Dhobitalao Lane)

  • Zone 7 :  St. Thomas (New Marine Lines & Marine Drive area up to Churchgate)

Dr. Cawasji Hormusji Street,

Marine Lines,

Mumbai 400 002


09:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Monday to Saturday

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