The general norm followed here is “one mass only for one mass offering / stipend”. In normal circumstances this norm is followed. However, since there is an increase in mass offerings due to growing numbers it is difficult to apply Mass intentions during scheduled parish masses. Thus, in the Archdiocese of Bombay there are two types of masses with several intentions:
BOX INTENTION: A box is kept and an individual can put hi stipend in to the box. A mass will be offered for his intention irrespective of the amount. In this case only a single mass will be offered for all the intentions and amount of money dropped into the box.
PLURI-INTENTION MASS: This is a mass that is offered for the specific intentions of several individuals with each one giving a definite amount of money. Here again only one mass will be celebrated for the intentions of all those who have given a definite amount as stipend.
The Archbishop allows the celebration of two masses in a week in any combination.
Pluri-intention masses or two box intention masses or one pluri-intention mass and one box intention mass.
Community masses take precedence over other masses at the time of booking masses.